ideas for
ecological habitats

Zeynep Ebru Aksoy
What already exists on our piece of earth?
What kind of systems, relationships are going on and how have all these existing species been sustained until now?
What do we expect from living here? Our dreams, visions? Why?.
Will these dreams fit it to the existing situation and/or how can we optimise?
Do we need to create a change to achieve our dreams on the land? And how?
How can we create the solution closest to our hearts with minimum effort and cost?
In what ways can we provide clean and healthy water, energy and food, then use and recycle them for further use in the same safe and healthy condition?

What is our ultimate goal?
Our ultimate goal is not to eradicate what is already there, but rather to ensure that the natural balance is maintained and that what is built enhances what already exists.
So, we focus on at least the following pragmatical points;
- Energy supply; local and renewable energy sources, energy-efficient design
- Efficient stoves appropriate for the design
- Rainwater harvesting, water retention and multiple uses of water on site, greywater,
- Micro-hydro electricity generators (if applicable)
- Natural ecological ponds, swimming pools, hot tubs; with biological filtration
- Sunspaces, greenhouses for multiple functions
- Food systems; being able to grow the enough food for all habitants
- Waste / nutrient cycling
- Ensure that the wildlife on the site remains and exists harmoniously wih our domestic animals.